Small Group Guide: "Walking in Faith - Step By Step"
Opening Prayer:
Begin the session with a brief prayer, asking God to guide your discussion and help apply the sermon's teachings to your lives.
Key Takeaways:
Spiritual transformation takes time and consistent effort, like slow cooking rather than microwaving.
God is more interested in shaping us through the journey than getting us to the end quickly.
Faithfulness in small things leads to long-term transformation.
Sometimes, God's instructions don't make logical sense, but trusting Him leads to victory.
Perseverance is crucial in our faith journey, even when we don't see immediate results.
Discussion Questions:
The pastor mentioned that we often expect instant transformation in our spiritual lives. How have you experienced this expectation in your own faith journey?
Reflect on the story of Joshua and Jericho. Have you ever felt God asking you to do something that didn't make sense? How did you respond?
The sermon emphasized that "faithfulness isn't about speed, it's about perseverance." How does this statement challenge or encourage you in your current spiritual walk?
Where in your life are you tempted to give up because you're not seeing results? How can you apply the principle of "taking one step at a time" to this situation?
The pastor suggested spending extra time in prayer and reading Scripture daily. What are some practical ways you can implement these practices in your daily routine?
How does the idea of God as a "slow cooker" rather than a "microwave" change your perspective on spiritual growth and transformation?
Practical Applications:
Prayer Challenge: Commit to spending an extra 5 minutes in prayer each day this week.
Scripture Reading: Choose a verse or short passage to read and reflect on daily.
Perseverance Project: Identify one area in your life where you need to "keep showing up" even when you don't feel like it. Share with the group and ask for accountability.
Faith Step: Take a moment to write down one small step of faith you can take this week, even if it doesn't make complete sense to you right now.
Gratitude Journal: Start a daily practice of writing down one way you've seen God working in your life, even if it's small or slow progress.Closing Prayer: