Baptism is our response to God’s unconditional love, grace and forgiveness. It’s also how we’re initiated into the Church as we publicly celebrate being MADE NEW through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Baptism announces that we find our identity in following Jesus instead of the expectations and labels placed on us by others.
At Cassidy, we baptize by sprinkling and immersion. We use water as a symbol of how God cleanses us from our sins and welcomes us into a new life in Jesus Christ. While baptism is not necessary for salvation, it is a precious gift from God and an important part of the faith journey.
When an infant or toddler is baptized, we welcome them into the church and celebrate that God’s grace is and continues to be at work in their life. During baptisms, parents and the people of Cassidy mutually promise to nurture and raise the child in Christian community and faith.
It’s our tradition that a person is baptized once in their lifetime. If you’ve been baptized before in a church of the Christian faith (regardless of the denomination or your age), we celebrate that experience and that God’s love and grace has been with you. If God is now leading you to make a new or renewed commitment to Jesus, we would be delighted to affirm your faith with water as we remember God’s love, grace and faithfulness.
It is a sign of God’s love, grace, and forgiveness.
It is a symbol of new life in Jesus Christ.
It is a public announcement of your faith in Jesus Christ.
It represents our death and resurrection through Jesus Christ.
It uses water to remind us of how God cleanses us from our sins.
It is a promise of a relationship between God, you, and the Church.