Traditional Service
We are so excited that you have chosen to worship with us today. If you have any questions, please find someone wearing an orange lanyard and they can help.
Prelude/Lighting of Candles
Call to Worship
Opening Hymns
Holy Holy Holy (Nicaea) Pg 64 Vs 1-4
Be Thou My Vision Pg 451 vs 1-3
Community Prayer
Gloria Patri
Offertory Prayer
Special Music
All are invited to come to the table regardless of age or any other factor. We believe that God has invited all to receive his grace and all are welcome. Our hope is that through communion you are able to experience the real and tangible grace of Christ. If you have any questions about communion, please ask. Pastor Steve would love to talk about it!
Closing Hymn
Be Thou My Vision Pg 451 vs 1-3